Use With i18n-ally

Since i18n-ally scans your package.json for supported frameworks and you don't use a framework, you can get it to work by using a custom framework definition file. Create a .vscode/i18n-ally-custom-framework.yml with the following:

# An array of strings which contain Language Ids defined by VS Code
# You can check available language ids here:
- javascript
- typescript
- svelte
# An array of RegExes to find the key usage. **The key should be captured in the first match group**.
# You should unescape RegEx strings in order to fit in the YAML file
# To help with this, you can use
- "[^\\w\\d]t\\(['\"`]({key})['\"`]" # i18n-ally's default example of how to detect `t("your.i18n.keys")` - the `{key}` will be placed by a proper keypath matching regex, you can ignore it and use your own matching rules as well
# - "[^\\w\\d]i18n\\.(.+?)[^\\w\\.]" # 👈 use this if you want to match the alternative direct method demoed in this repo, as in `$`
- "{$"$1")}"
# - "{$$1}" # 👈 use this if you want to match the alternative direct method demoed in this repo, as in `$`
# If set to true, only enables this custom framework (will disable all built-in frameworks)
monopoly: true

That will give you a nice experience like this:


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