Load Strings by Route

I know you can split apart translation files and manually define routes as done in sveltekit-i18n, but that's difficult to pull off in a giant application. Here's a brainstorm of how we could load just the strings needed for a route in an automatic fashion:

  • update the getTranslator function to accept a route and always pass this in from +layout.ts
  • place all translations in 1 file
  • write a Vite plugin
    • that does nothing on dev, all translations can load straight in because it's local (fast)
    • on build
      • split translations by sections into separate files
      • for each +page.svelte file find it's entire import tree (including lazy-loaded imports)
        • string parse each raw file looking for i18n.{section}.{key} and map each section to that route in a map
      • Update the i18n/index.ts translations import to return the necessary section files just for that route

Dependency Graph inspiration

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